Tuesday 5 June 2007


Every time I cross something off my 'to do' list I end up adding another one. Time is running short. Yet here I sit writing a blog.

I should be checking that I know where my passport is but instead I'm worrying about the relative merits of Georgia vs Verdana font... I've decided to stick with Georgia since it's the default - that way people won't think I'm the sort of person who worries about fonts.

By the way, I set up this blog to record the travels of myself (Tom) and my fiance (Amy) on our American roadtrip. We don't actually fly for another 36 hours but due to a final day in the office and an overnight stay in historic Gatwick this might be the last chance I get to post anything.

I could tell you exactly where we'll be going, but that would be like revealing who the murderer is before you've even seen the opening credits. So I won't.

All I will say is that my accompanying photos will be going up on

1 comment:

CheekoRobbins said...

ctrl + alt + e = fiancé