Friday 22 June 2007

Day 15 - Vancouver

The longer we're away the later we seem to be getting up. Today we didn't manage to leave Matt and Jayne's apartment until well after 11am. First stop of the day was Capilano bridge, a 136 metre long suspension bridge that crosses a river 70 metres below. When you get to the middle of the bridge it swings heavily from side to side, quite exciting as long as you don't get motion sickness. There were also some smaller bridges strung between the large redwood trees in the park so you can wander round and see the forest. It felt like being in an Ewok village - if I'd been there as a child I'd almost definitely have taken my Star Wars toys along. And lost them.

For a spot of lunch we drove down to Horseshoe Bay, a picturesque spot spoilt slightly by the ferry terminal. There's an interesting anecdote attached though - last year one of the ferrys went out of control when approaching the terminal. Rather than crash into the concrete wall the captain took the decision to ground the ferry on the beach. Unfortunately that meant driving it through the marina, smashing up many millions of dollars worth of yaghts in the process. I wish I'd been there to see that.

Anyway, we went to a restaurant called The Boathouse which served up some fantastic seafood. The portion sizes were quite reasonable (not at all like American meals) so we were tempted into ordering puddings, which were huge. Amy and I shared a slice of cheesecake and still couldn't finish it.

Getting back to central Vancouver was fun. There's only one bridge in from the north (the Lions Gate) and we had to queue for over 20 minutes to get into it - this at 4pm on a weekday. I hate to think what it'll be like during the Olympics. Still, eventually we got to Stanley park, the largest city-owned park in Canada and took a stroll along the seafront - complete with obligatory paddle in the sea. Part of the sea wall is still closed from the storms last winter - I thought only the British took that long to fix things.

By the time we'd finished there it was almost time for dinner. On the way we stopped of for drinks at a bar called Section(3), it used to be called De Niro's until Robert of the same name threatened to sue. They've re-used some of the old sign though, so above the bar it now reads Nerd. Apparently Section 3 is some legal reference too.

Section(3) is a nice if somewhat trendy bar (it wouldn't look out of place in Leamington), Amy went for a Pink Lady cocktail while the rest of us opted for Mojitos. But as it turns out that Mojito sounds a lot like 'me too' so we all ended up with girly pink drinks. Doh.

After a second round of drinks (actually Mojitos this time) we went to a Thai restaurant which served up some tasty and genuinely spicy food - something of a rarity in these parts.

The night ended back at the apartment with a couple of episodes of The Mighty Boosh. "I am the moon..."

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