Thursday 19 August 2010

Museums, Museums, Museums

Day 14 - August 10th

No driving today, instead a full day of sightseeing. We walked up to the Royal Ontario Museum first, we hadn't realised but the touring Terracotto Army exhibition was currently there - we'd missed it when it was at the British Museum so that was a bonus. There were loads of other interesting exhibits at the museum too so that took all morning. After that came the shoe museum (Amy's choice if you hadn't guessed) which was more interesting than I expected - they had a history of shoes all the way back to early human history and covering many different cultures, and also famous shoes including some by Michael Schumacher, Pablo Picasso, Marilyn Monroe and Elton John (and a pair of Napoleon's socks!).

We had a late lunch at a place called Kim Moon Bakery in chinatown, we were the only westerners in there and the menu was only tenuously translated into English but we managed to avoid ordering the chicken's feet and everything we had was delicious - and the whole meal cost us $9, ace.

After lunch we visited the Art Gallery of Toronto, which was again excellent. The building was designed by Frank Gehry and while it looks very cool it's not easy to navigate, particularly when you're in a hurry - we only had 90 minutes before closing time so some of the exhibits we pretty much ran through (sometimes twice due to the confusing layout).

We had a drink in the hotel bar, then dinner at a nearby Ethiopian restaurant. I'd never had Ethiopian before so I wasn't sure what to expect - it turns out to be quite like moroccon and other middle-eastern/african foods. We had a 'Misto Misto' (mixture of everything) which consisted of lots of little dishes served on a great big pancake-like-thing, you tear bits off the pancake-like-thing as you go along. The food was all delicious although very spicy!

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